In the context of socio-economic change in China's rural areas is increasing rapidly as the number of obese children in the study came up. The researchers found that in 014 children under the age of 19, the figure is 17 percent and 9 percent of girls.

Since 1985, China's number-one percent of obese boys and girls began to set

Since 1985, 014 of the 9-year results of the study have been published in the European Journal of Cardiology prebhintibha. 8 students of the study was associated with senadam province of China. According to the research results, with the changes in China's socio-economic conditions khadyabhaseo extensive changes. As a result, the tendency to increase calorie intake, as well as decreases in physical agility. 
Like every man has a amount which he can eat , but it is more than ever. China's rural development is increase much.  The people of china wants to work more and more . To work more , he has to contain  more and more energy .  From this think, they are thinking to eat more. Specially children. By eating more , they are becoming fat . They are not understanding that , iif anyone eat to much , he becomes tired soon . Laziness comes inside him . So, as the result , they become sick for small problem . 
Some years ago , they were in regular size , Because , they eat little amount of food. But which was healthy . But now, they are eating that  food but the amount is more than ever . 

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