India's summer heat, cooking is ban

In India, more than three hundred people died in severe dabadahe day after authorities banned cooking. The ban will take effect in the country's arid regions. 80 people died in a fire after the original announcement.

From six o'clock in the evening until nine o'clock in the morning this week in the eastern state of Bihar has been banned cooked. Hot, dry weather and the wind spread the fire rapidly. The 10 children, 79 people were killed.

To avoid the fire during the fire have been forbidden to worship. The edicts would be given a one-year sentence was announced.

Villas Bihar state disaster management official told The Associated Press, we are offering this time the fire season. Strong winds from the west-flowing easily help to spread the fire, causing serious damage is.

Due to the fierce summer heat caused damage to crops in many parts of India. Due to lack of water and heat as well as humans domesticated animals are dying. Many people are not getting the necessary for daily living. News: The Guardian.
This sudden incident , give a very bad news to the people of india . In the hospital people are curious to get well and there is no good news for them . The number of patient  in the hospital is growing much. Many schools are closed down . The little children are the main victim of this heat.  The rich people have no problem with this but the poor people are not having any good clue. The workers ain't going to work for this heat. So, they are not earning money and their family's are starving .  

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