The mosque collapse kills 15 in Somalia

The mosque collapse kills 15 in Somalia

The collapse of a mosque in the Somali capital Mogadishu, killing at least 15 people and injured 40 others. Musullidera collapsed during Friday prayers in the mosque, according to the BBC.

The mosque was being renovated collapsed. During the event, revealed that there were a few hundred people inside the mosque. Some of them are believed to be wearing trapped inside the wreckage. According to local media, the work has negligences engineer has been arrested on suspicion of a renovation program.

According to some media reports, the building collapsed on musullira namajarata. However, other media reports, more than 100 at the end of prayers musulli when it collapsed on a concrete foundation. According to private radio sabelle, mostly nirmanakarmi.

Somali News dainili in Mogadishu, Somalia's state news agency said the incident occurred. There was heavy rain in the area over the past few days.

Somali government's control of Mogadishu and other cities in the country, but many rural areas of the country under the control of al Qaeda-linked militant group al-Shabab. Somali government to protect the country Twenty thousand African Union troops and police have been deployed. BBC.

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