Thousands of New York State's residents have expressed on hitalista

Madhyapracyabhittika group Islamic State (IS) associated with a hacker in New York City, thousands of residents hit-list has been published on the Internet. State urged their followers to attack the people of the hit list.

New York City police and federal intelligence agencies have a list of names of the people who contacted them about the post. According to the source, in this regard, however, does not seem to have credible threat to the country's law enforcement agencies.

In a statement, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said, 'Do not make any comment about the investigation, but in our example, the FBI during an investigation based on information in a variety of individuals and organizations are regularly warned, because they could be a threat. "

The hackers of the ISO name, home address and e-mail address has been given. However, there are some old said. Do not allowed to publicly discuss the matter because his name was not disclosed, according to Reuters news agency.

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