After Cruz Kasica stood aside, at the Trump nomination

After Cruz  Kasica stood aside, at the Trump nomination

That left only the primary election in California. But in terms of the Republican presidential
candidates have been elected as one of New York's billionaire businessman Donald Trump. Trump Indiana Republican primaries dismantled majors after winning the nomination campaign, stepped down from running the rival Ted Cruz. Finally, another trump rival Ohio Governor John kasicao decide to step down, according to NBC News.

Kasicera promote responsible leaders of the camp, citing says. The former senator, who won his own state primaries kasica trump the other two rivals were far behind, and from the cruise. Cruise and kasica step down as a result of the November elections, and no one else was Trump will not run for the Republican candidate.

"Triumph political campaign will fail," - the idea that political analysts have repeatedly failed businessman inexperienced in politics. Now he's a lot of 8 November presidential election to address his potential Democratic rivals Hillary Clinton can prepare.

After winning a rally in Indiana, New York Trump Tower mic band Rolling Stone 'Start Me Up' music playing wife and other family members walked melaniya Trump. Indiana victory rally "a great victory called Clinton immediately began to shoot arrows at the Trump. He said, "Now, we need to be Hillary Clinton. He will be a great president, he can not be the best president, he was a president can be weak. "

The California primary on June 7 after the party Trump is expected to go to the brink of the nomination.

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