Another bomb attack in Baghdad

Another bomb attack in Baghdad

Islamic State of Iraq's capital Baghdad on Wednesday, 94 people were killed in three attacks again on Thursday, a day after a suicide bomb attack kills 3 policemen were injured and 8. ISO has claimed responsibility for the attack on the police station.
A town near Baghdad on Thursday attacked. Police and hospital officials said, two of the bombers were headed to the police station in Abu ghraiba detonated an explosive belt. The operation to protect the capital Baghdad, the command said in a statement, a third bomber approached the police station, were killed.
ISO advocates amaka news agency said two militants detonate explosive belts jeidana police station clashed with police. Gradually improving the security situation in Baghdad, compared to the previous decade, although there are still citizens of the security forces and civilians are often targeted. Sometimes it is a major counter-revenge attack after attack. CNN.

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