BBC reform: the abolition of the Declaration of Trust

BBC reform: the abolition of the Declaration of Trust

British media reported on the BBC's trust vanished under major changes, including a number of recommendations for steps the government has announced. The BBC's funding and the future of the government's White Paper due to be published on Thursday.
 The BBC has clarified the government's position. The White Paper is presented to the British parliament Cultural Affairs Minister John uitindela. According to the reform proposal, the BBC Trust will be dissolved and formed a single board to the company will be in charge of daily operations. Ofcom and the BBC's TV and radio sectors paricalanakari organization will act as an external observer. Ofcom is responsible for managing all services in the corporation.
Itopurbei alleging lack of transparency in many of the company recommended the abolition of the members of the British Parliament. According to many, MP, trust needs to be abolished because it failed to meet expectations. After a year of negotiations, welcomed the presentation of the government's White Paper on the BBC's director general Tony Hall. The BBC's charter to create a new draft for the next 11 years and will be signed before the debate about the emapira.
In addition to the license fee in order to force the cancellation of the declaration of trust of the White Paper recommendations. Aipleyara BBC license fee will remain at least 11 years and must pay fees for the use of the darsakasrotaderake.
BBC director general Tony Hall told the BBC it was sabujasanketa become more powerful and creative. It will bring positive results to the BBC. Moreover, we finally get 11-year charter contract. 11-year guarantee for the license fee and the BBC will be able to approve the scope of work and prevalence.

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