BJP MP fall into a Drain got injured

Gujarat, India is talking channeled wounded a member of parliament of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party MP punamabena Madame hematabhai. Jamanagare with municipal officials, speaking on Monday in a slum area accidentally fell eight feet deep gutter.

Standing on top of the concrete drain cover was speaking punamabena woman MP. It fell suddenly broke down. He is the head, shoulders and legs hurt. He has been admitted to hospital.

His doctor said S. mahesbari, punamabenera four inches deep wound in the head. However, his condition is stable now. There is nothing to worry. I hope that tomorrow morning, he can return home.

The video can be seen on a local television channel, yellow is the color of clothing worn punamabena inverted drain. After pulling him to remain with the people. However, local residents and municipal employees in Jamnagar Municipal jalarama slum eviction crisis obstructs punamabena go there. Shortly after the accident. The Indian Express.

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