Ecuador quake old rescued after 13 days

Ecuador quake old rescued after 13 days

Nearly two weeks after a devastating earthquake in Ecuador 7-year-old man rescued from the rubble rescuers Venezuela. Ekuyedarera of Quito, the capital of Venezuela, on Saturday, the embassy announced on the news, NDTV said.
On April 16, seven to eight percent of Ecuador's coastal areas to rubble after the earthquake that killed 660 people. He was trapped under the rubble of the old manual bhasakuyeja. Venezuela bhasakuyejera position inside the wreckage of a rescue team on Friday identified. Manabi partial collapse of a rescue team was searching the building.
Rescuers said the noise was from inside the wreckage bhasakuyeja. After the recovery has been admitted to hospital. Bhasakuyejera kidanite error, and he lost his toes. He suffers from loss and arrogance. Ecuador earthquake rescue, doctors, nurses, damakalakarmisaha several hundred foreign aid teams are working. Earth quake is one of the biggest problem of modern time.The problem is so big that no human can not do anything about it. Just what we can do is preparation for it .  It is one of those problem which does not come alone.It also another problem too. which is like sunami and other. 
In the last 10 year , thousand of people died and million's are injured .   Many people lost their house , many lost their family and  some lost their live.  Earth quake uses those things to kill us which  is made by us. 
In many cities people are runing for their live and start to forgot about their house. When it attacks , we become helpless too . Our creation betrayed us and take our live . If we just spend some extra money to this building  it does not go like that . 

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