Finally, Trump is going easy on Muslims

Finally, Trump is going easy on  Muslims

Finally, a temporary ban on Muslims in the United States Trump is coming back from a strong
position. Especially in the context of arguments with the mayor of London, told Fox News Triumph quite softly, temporary ban entry of Muslims in the United States, suggesting a kind of was.

Earlier, in an interview with The New York Times Sadiq Khan said the newly elected mayor of London, when he was President of the United States Trump will not be able to go on tour for his religion. Trump told Fox News in the context of the baktabyare Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London, the 'alternative' to enter the United States. Sadiq Khan rejected such a proposal, but some Muslims for the first time some of the sanctions was to speak softly trampake.

Muslims are prohibited from entering the United States to talk about the left's strong position in the Triumph, it's kind of a temporary ban. The ban has not been called yet. What is the (World Ran) until it is sure it's just a suggestion. BBC.

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