I'm not against Muslim, i am against terrorism

Trump said in an interview with British television channel aitibhike, "I am not anti-Muslim, anti-terrorism, however. He also advised Muslims to assist the police to curb terrorism.

At the beginning of the election campaign by anti-Muslim remarks were widely criticized Trump. Republican party's presidential nomination is now a matter of time.

Triumph anti-Muslim remarks by British Prime Minister David Cameron 'foolish, and wrong to cause division, "he described. Cameron's speech on Monday to respond to the Trump gave interviews. During last year's campaign, he demanded the United States to a temporary ban on the entry of Muslims.

Triumph sang anti-Muslim remarks in his defense on Monday, said: "I urge the Muslims to impose a temporary ban on some political leaders criticized me. But to millions of people worldwide, "said Trump is right."

He retracted the statement when asked whether karabane Trump said, I have incite people thought. It's not just inaccurate, I'm not worried about it.

Not only Muslims, has adverse comments about Mexicans. The southern border of the United States to build a wall like a bizarre Trump claimed. Source: BBC

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