IS has been associated with Boko Haram: UN

IS has been associated with Boko Haram: UN

ISO has been involved with the African Muslim militant group Boko Haram warned the United
Nations. They are said to be associated with the request to ISO 015 since the militant group Boko Haram has created a relationship with IS. Boko Haram in West and Central Africa over the last few years to create chaos and destroy the peace.

Ediki a senior US official said Libya ISO Boko Haram Several soldiers joined the battle.

To fight against Boko Haram in Nigeria, one of the conference will be held on Saturday. President Muhammad buhari Benin, Cameroon, Chad and invited nigarake abujate. There also will be attended by the President of France halenda Franks, the US State Department and the UK Foreign Secretary Philip hyamonda bilinakena Deputy Secretary Antonio. BBC.

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