Saudi Arabia 'strategy to beat his wife, "the video broadcast

A family-affairs adviser to Saudi Arabia described the strategy to beat his wife, and the country's national television broadcast video footage. It was broadcast in February, according to an online media edabliudi.

Khaled al-sakabi the name of the consultant, in the course of beating his wife must meet the required conditions. It is not the purpose of the discipline is part of a person's expressions of anger.

This family consultant for beating his wife said that her husband has done, he's objective is not correct, it's meant to. Khaled said the husband to his wife before beating her dignity and the rights of Allah be remembered.

He and his wife all the duties and responsibilities in accordance with the will of God. He also suggested time to avoid the wrath of her husband. Sleep or lie down on the floor on the opposite side of her face could turn. This time, however, can not sleep in another room. In order to bring the whole matter to her. Husband-wife in front of others can not be published topics Khaled said.

Khaled beating his wife because, unfortunately, many women want to be with her husband, with equal rights. This is a serious problem. He said it is unfortunate that a lot of beating wife to encourage her husband. NDTV.

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