State of emergency declared rakkaya

Middle East group Islamic State (IS) their Syrian rakkaya has declared a state of emergency. Rakkake 'Islamic caliphate', as a means of ISO capital.

Steve Warren, a spokesman for the US-led coalition forces on Friday, told CNN, "We have seen the situation rakkaya the state of emergency." Warren said, "We are feeling threatened by the enemy, they should be."

According to various reports, members of the patrol is ISO saharajurei. They have the potential of certain areas to protect them from air strikes and ground attacks trying to take preventive measures.

Announced earlier this week, a spokesman for SDF Kobani Taji, north of the Syrian-backed groups, the leaders of the SDF Joint ISO captured during a raid to free the rakkake comprehensive plan has been accepted.

In fact, the IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is still not clear whether you are around or Raqqa.

Of course, where the US military has been another issue that has been observed by intelligence information. Source: IANS

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