The fifth anniversary of the killing of Osama bin Laden's expectations

The fifth anniversary of the killing of Osama bin Laden's expectations

After US special forces killed Osama bin Laden five years after President Barack Obama said he hoped that the last moment of his life, the mastermind of terror, Americans realized that 9/11 was not forgotten.

Obama said in an interview with CNN on Monday. Some of the president's term is one of the biggest achievements of the Saudi-born al-Qaeda leader's life ending. 011 US special forces raid in Pakistan in May that killed bin Laden.

Obama, I hope that at that moment he realized that, more than 3 thousand people were killed in the deadliest attack on 9/11 American citizens have not forgotten. Partial intelligence operations despite Obama discussed the decision.

Obama said it was clear to me that it would be our great opportunity to get bin Laden. If we do not take action, he could escape.
Osama bin Laden  who one of the most  known  man in the history  of mankind.   He was the  head of talban which os a armed military force.  In the attack of  9/11   America becomes  his enemy .  From this reason , he was been killed by a team of America in his  house of Pakistan.

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