There three times in one day

There three times in one day


The two sides shook the ground three times in the same day
. The first two areas of Manipur and the commander cyandela vibration is felt. 1pm and 5pm Thursday 4 to 6 minutes in the two earthquakes in the area. The intensity of the quake was magnitude 4.9 and 3.3 respectively. Cyandelera the source of the quake was at a depth of 60 km. The commander of the land in the area was 10 km below the vibration source.

After a night on the east side of the Manipur shook the western state of Gujarat. By 11 pm the same day, Prime Minister of the Kingdom banasa voice shaking was felt in the area. Intensity of 3 on the Richter scale. Source five km below the earth was shaking. No casualties were reported in three kampanei.

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