Woman in hospital with a shark

The US state of Florida on Sunday, a shark biting a woman seriously injured were sent to hospital. Shark bite on his right hand was holding at the time.

According to the Palm Beach Post newspaper, was killed after a small shark attack. Another man visiting the beach two feet (61 centimeters) long shark killed. City Fire Department spokesman Bob lemonasa told the newspaper, the woman could not be identified.

3 years old, on the beach, swim in the coastal town of Boca rat shark that attacked him. He said the woman was sent to the city's regional hospital. Danabahu still caught shark bite.

South Florida Sun-sentinel tryasi Ocean Rescue Capt Clint said, I never in my life seen such events. He did not hear anything in my life. Nurse Shark species to 10 feet (3 meters) long can be. They often can be seen in the State of Florida in the Atlantic coastal areas. This species is usually cool. AFP.

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