Bombing is not a war crime: Pentagon

US forces in northern Afghanistan, killing 42 people in a charity hospital destroyed the place "is not a war crime," says the US Department of Defense (Pentagon). According to the BBC, the US military serving in the 16-member disciplinary charges against Gen. Joseph bhotela Pentagon spokesman confirmed the deplorable attack occurred due to human error and technical defects.

`Voluntary organization Doctors Sans mitasam phramtiya '(MSF) conducted the Kunduz hospital by mistake" to think of a building occupied by Taliban fighters attacked a US helicopter gunships. General bhotela said, but the mistake was unintentional, it can not be considered a war crime.

He said the investigation showed the incident occurred due to several mistakes. Of human error, equipment failure, and there are procedural errors. Nobody knew who their attacks, they attacked a hospital. He is the subject of it was unintentional, so it does not deliberately committed the crimes.

In the early hours of October 3 last year to run the 4 civilians were killed and 37 wounded in the attack, but no criminal charges have been brought against anyone not. Instead, those who have been dismissed from their command to take steps to "reprimand letter, to be delivered, it may be the end of their military career.

But the organization MSF damaged in the attack against the United States 'war crimes' charges brought. MSF hospital for 10 minutes in the air after an attack on the hospital, the doctors called US officials to stop asking. 0 minutes after the attack, but also was closed.

MSF said, why do not stop bombing the 'understandable' is not. Voluntary independent investigation into the incident called the company again. MSF hospital in a UN report calling for independent investigation into the attack was said to attack in the investigation, "consciously" has been found to run in the 'war crimes' must be considered. BBC.

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